Daily Reflection – Oct 21, 2018
Sunday 21 October 2018 First Reading: IS 53:10-11 Responsorial Psalm: Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. PS 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 Second Reading: HEB 4:14-16 Gospel...
Sunday 21 October 2018 First Reading: IS 53:10-11 Responsorial Psalm: Lord, let your mercy be on us, as we place our trust in you. PS 33:4-5, 18-19, 20, 22 Second Reading: HEB 4:14-16 Gospel...
Saturday 20 October 2018 First Reading: EPH 1:15-23 Responsorial Psalm: You have given your Son rule over the works of your hands. PS 8:2-3AB, 4-5, 6-7 Gospel Reading: LK 12:8-12 Today’s Note: Saturday of...
Friday 19 October 2018 First Reading: EPH 1:11-14 Responsorial Psalm: Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. PS 33:1-2, 4-5, 12-13 Gospel Reading: LK 12:1-7 Today’s Note: Memorial of Saints...
Thursday 18 October 2018 First Reading: 2 TM 4:10-17B Responsorial Psalm: Your friends make known, O Lord, the glorious splendor of your Kingdom. PS 145:10-11, 12-13, 17-18 Gospel Reading: LK 10:1-9 Today’s Note: Feast...
Wednesday 17 October 2018 First Reading: GAL 5:18-25 Responsorial Psalm: Those who follow you, Lord, will have the light of life. PS 1:1-2, 3, 4 AND 6 Gospel Reading: LK 11:42-46 Today’s Note: Memorial...
Tuesday 16 October 2018 First Reading: GAL 5:1-6 Responsorial Psalm: Let your mercy come to me, O Lord. PS 119:41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48 Gospel Reading: LK 11:37-41 Today’s Note: Tuesday of the...
Monday 15 October 2018 First Reading: GAL 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1 Responsorial Psalm: Blessed be the name of the Lord forever. PS 113:1B-2, 3-4, 5A AND 6-7 Gospel Reading: LK 11:29-32 Today’s Note: Memorial of...
Sunday 14 October 2018 First Reading: WIS 7:7-11 Responsorial Psalm: Fill us with your love, O Lord, and we will sing for joy! PS 90:12-13, 14-15, 16-17 Second Reading: HEB 4:12-13 Gospel Reading: MK...
Saturday 13 October 2018 First Reading: GAL 3:22-29 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord remembers his covenant for ever. PS 105:2-3, 4-5, 6-7 Gospel Reading: LK 11:27-28 Today’s Note: Saturday of the Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary...
Friday 12 October 2018 First Reading: GAL 3:7-14 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord will remember his covenant for ever. PS 111:1B-2, 3-4, 5-6 Gospel Reading: LK 11:15-26 Today’s Note: Friday of the Twenty-seventh Week in...