Daily Reflection – Oct 3, 2017

Tuesday 3 October 2017
First Reading:ZEC 8:20-23
Responsorial Psalm:
God is with us.
PS 87:1B-3, 4-5, 6-7
Gospel Reading: LK 9:51-56
Today’s Note: Tuesday of the Twenty-sixth Week in Ordinary Time
Gospel Reading:
When the days for Jesus to be taken up were fulfilled,
he resolutely determined to journey to Jerusalem,
and he sent messengers ahead of him.
On the way they entered a Samaritan village
to prepare for his reception there,
but they would not welcome him
because the destination of his journey was Jerusalem.
When the disciples James and John saw this they asked,
“Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven
to consume them?”
Jesus turned and rebuked them,
and they journeyed to another village.
We have heard that God is with you. (Zechariah 8:23)
“They were drawn like moths to a flame.” This is what the prophet Zechariah might say if he were to speak this prophecy today.
Speaking about the future restoration of Israel, Zechariah said that foreigners from everywhere would be drawn to the people or, more precisely, to God, who was present in the midst of them.
Why would the people be so attracted to the Israelites? Because they would want what the Israelites had: the blessing of God’s favor. Maybe they would hear about the Israelites’ amazing exodus from Egypt. Or perhaps they would hear stories about Israel’s conquest of the Promised Land and her defense against all the enemies that surrounded her. Maybe it would be the way Israel worshipped God alone rather than going after multiple gods—and was abundantly blessed for it. Clearly, Israel would stand out. Clearly, everyone else would see that God was with them!
What Zechariah promised the Israelites can happen in you. In fact, it is probably happening already, even if you can’t see it. Many of the choices you make are affected in some way or another by your faith. That means the light of Christ’s presence is already within you, so of course people will notice.
So keep shining! It doesn’t take a lot of extra effort. As St. Francis de Sales once said, “Be who you are and be that well.” In other words, do what God has called you to do in your life, and do it wholeheartedly. Trust in the goodness of God and in his grace at work in you. Relax and lean into his presence. Don’t try too hard; just keep reminding yourself that Christ is in you, and he will shine out. And that will make you attractive to the people around you. Your witness of confidence and peace will spark people’s curiosity and draw them to God’s life in you, just as Zechariah promised would happen to the people of Israel.
Be who you are in Christ. By doing that, you are already proclaiming the good news. You are already shining the light of Christ because people will be able to see that he is real, and he is with you.
“Thank you, Lord, for abiding with me. Use me to draw more people to yourself.”