Holy Trinity Community – Prayer of Surrender

O God, the most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We are grateful to You and thank You for the love and graces that we have obtained from You until this moment.
In the beginning of this day (in this afternoon / in this evening / in this night),
we entrust our Founder and every member of the communities, the sisters of Daughters of Carmel, the brothers of C.S.E. and the brothers and sisters of Holy Trinity Community, as well as our plans and activities to Your divine providence.
We fully surrender ourselves to You.
Please renew us, transform us and use us according to Your will. Grant us Your grace so that we remain aware living in Your presence, day and night in the vigilance of prayers and meditating Your words. Help us to live according to the Holy Spirit and the way of life that You have shown us through our Founder, and to live in fraternal charity in our daily lives. Use us as a channel of Your mercy and love for our neighbors, make us Your instrument to fulfill Your holy will and Your plan of salvation in this world. Fill us with Your love and power so we will be open to the works and guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Mary Mother of God (theotokos),
intercede for us: for the grace of holiness, purity and the gifts of the Holy Spirit in our life and ministries. Protect us under your holy scapular and both of your motherly mantle and your most holy heart, that when temptations come, we may be strong and faithful to the way of your Son.
St. Michael, the Archangel,
defend us in battle; be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the Devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits, who prowl about the world, seeking the ruin of souls.
May our whole life become praises to the glory of God, now and forever.