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Prayers Room - Page 309 of 326 - Alive Together with Christ Through Faith

Pray for one another and live life with hope to our Living God. Merciful God.

Daily Reflection – Feb 26, 2016

Friday 26 February 2016 First Reading: Genesis 37:3-4, 12-13, 17-28 Responsorial Psalm: Remember the marvels the Lord has done Psalm 104(105):16-21 Gospel Reading: Matthew 21:33-43, 45-46 Today’s Note: Friday of the Second Week of...

Daily Reflection – Feb 25, 2016

Thursday 25 February 2016 First Reading: Jeremiah 17:5-10 Responsorial Psalm: Happy are they who hope in the Lord Psalm 1:1-4, 6 Gospel Reading: Luke 16:19-31 Today’s Note: Thursday of the Second Week of Lent...

Daily Reflection – Feb 24, 2016

Wednesday 24 February 2016 First Reading: Jeremiah 18:18-20 Responsorial Psalm: Save me, O Lord, in your steadfast love Psalm 30(31):5-6, 14-16 Gospel Reading: Matthew 20:17-28 Today’s Note: Wednesday of the Second Week of Lent...

Daily Reflection – Feb 23, 2016

Tuesday 23 February 2016 First Reading: Isaiah 1:10, 16-20 Responsorial Psalm: To the upright I will show the saving power of God Psalm 49(50):8-9, 16-17, 21, 23 Gospel Reading: Matthew 23:1-12 Today’s Saint: St...

Daily Reflection – Feb 22, 2016

Monday 22 February 2016 First Reading: 1 Peter 5:1-4 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want Psalm 22(23) Gospel Reading: Matthew 16:13-19 Today’s Feast: Chair of St Peter,...

Daily Reflection – Feb 21, 2016

Sunday 21 February 2016 First Reading: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is my light and my salvation Psalm 26(27):1, 7-9, 13-14 Second Reading: Philippians 3:17 – 4:1 Gospel Reading: Luke 9:28-36 Today’s...

Daily Reflection – Feb 20, 2016

Saturday 20 February 2016 First Reading: Deuteronomy 26:16-19 Responsorial Psalm: Happy are those who follow the law of the Lord! Psalm 118(119):1-2, 4-5, 7-8 Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:43-48 Today’s Note: Saturday of the First...

Daily Reflection – Feb 19, 2016

Friday 19 February 2016 First Reading: Ezekiel 18:21-28 Responsorial Psalm: If you, O Lord, laid bare our guilt, who could endure it? Psalm 129(130) Gospel Reading: Matthew 5:20-26 Today’s Note: Day of penance  ...

Daily Reflection – Feb 18, 2016

Thursday 18 February 2016 First Reading: Esther 4:17 Responsorial Psalm: Lord, on the day I called for help, you answered me Psalm 137(138):1-3, 7-8 Gospel Reading: Matthew 7:7-12 Today’s Note: Thursday of the First...

Daily Reflection – Feb 17, 2016

Wednesday 17 February 2016 First Reading: Jonah 3:1-10 Responsorial Psalm: A broken, humbled heart, O God, you will not scorn Psalm 50(51):3-4, 12-13, 18-19 Gospel Reading: Luke 11:29-32 Today’s Feast: The Seven Holy Founders...