Category: Daily Reflection
Wednesday 6 July 2016 First Reading: Hosea 10:1-3, 7-8, 12 Responsorial Psalm: Seek always the face of the Lord Psalm 104(105):2-7 Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:1-7 Today’s Saint: St Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr (Optional...
Tuesday 5 July 2016 First Reading: Hosea 8:4-7, 11-13 Responsorial Psalm: The house of Israel trusts in the Lord Psalm 113B(115):3-10 Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:32-38 Today’s Saint: St Elizabeth of Portugal (Optional Memorial) ...
Monday 4 July 2016 First Reading: Hosea 2:16-18, 21-22 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord is kind and merciful Psalm 144(145):2-9 Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:18-26 Today’s Note: Monday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time ...
Sunday 3 July 2016 First Reading: Isaiah 66:10-14 Responsorial Psalm: Let all the earth cry out to God with joy Psalm 65(66):1-7, 16, 20 Second Reading: Galatians 6:14-18 Gospel Reading: Luke 10:1-12, 17-20 Today’s...
Saturday 2 July 2016 First Reading: Amos 9:11-15 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord speaks of peace to his people Psalm 84(85):9, 11-14 Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:14-17 Today’s Note: Saturday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary...
Friday 1 July 2016 First Reading: Amos 8:4-6, 9-12 Responsorial Psalm: No one lives on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God Psalm 118(119):2, 10, 20, 30, 40,...
Thursday 30 June 2016 First Reading: Amos 7:10-17 Responsorial Psalm: The judgements of the Lord are true and all of them just Psalm 18(19):8-11 Gospel Reading: Matthew 9:1-8 Today’s Feast: The First Martyrs of...
Wednesday 29 June 2016 First Reading: Acts 12:1-11 Responsorial Psalm: The Lord has set me free from all my fears Psalm 33(34):2-9 Second Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 Gospel Reading: Matthew 16:13-19 Today’s Saint:...
Tuesday 28 June 2016 First Reading: Amos 3:1-8; 4:11-12 Responsorial Psalm: Lead me in your justice, Lord Psalm 5:5-8 Gospel Reading: Matthew 8:23-27 Today’s Saint: St Irenaeus, Bishop and Martyr Gospel Reading: As...
Monday 27 June 2016 First Reading: Amos 2:6-10, 13-16 Responsorial Psalm: Remember this, you who never think of God Psalm 49(50):16-23 Gospel Reading: Matthew 8:18-22 Today’s Note: Monday of the Thirteenth Week in Ordinary...