Daily Reflection – Apr 7, 2016

Thursday 7 April 2016
First Reading: Acts 5:27-33
Responsorial Psalm:
The Lord hears the cry of the poor
Psalm 33(34):2, 9, 17-20
Gospel Reading: John 3:31-36
Today’s Saint: St John Baptist de la Salle, Priest
Gospel Reading:
The one who comes from above is above all.
The one who is of the earth is earthly and speaks of earthly things.
But the one who comes from heaven is above all.
He testifies to what he has seen and heard,
but no one accepts his testimony.
Whoever does accept his testimony certifies that God is trustworthy.
For the one whom God sent speaks the words of God.
He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.
The Father loves the Son and has given everything over to him.
Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life,
but whoever disobeys the Son will not see life,
but the wrath of God remains upon him.
Again, obedience is our theme. Peter boldly answers the high priest on behalf of all the apostles: “We must obey God rather than any human authority.” This “enraged the council so that they wanted to kill them.” Violence sometimes erupts today between religious authorities and Christians or Jews or Muslims, endowed with a free conscience. Jesus obeyed God’s mission to the poor, outcast, hopeless, and they killed him. “God is close to the brokenhearted and those crushed in spirit God saves” (Ps 34). The gospel calls us to obey (listen to and trust) the Son and so enjoy life, eternal and radiant life, right now. Even if, like Oscar Romero, refusal to obey human authority in order to stand with the crushed leads to death.
Have you ever experienced the summons of God that disagrees with human authority, religious or civil? What did you do? What circumstances might arise in the future that would call you to decision? Where do you want to place your trust and obedience? Talk this over with Jesus.
What tears you weep, creator God, when you see the abuse of power, done in your name. Forgive us for listening to bad news and trusting it. Grow us up into the freedom of the Spirit and give us courage.